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Book Review: Take More Vacations: How to Search Better, Book Cheaper, and Travel the World by Scott Keyes

Review By Kindall Edwards

I think it's safe to say that many of us are itching for our next vacation after the events of this last year. I find myself daydreaming of my next big adventure - biking through Amsterdam, that first bite of cacio e pepe in Rome, even just the sheer excitement and anticipation of boarding a flight. But then the reality sets in - the cost of these types of trips can be pretty overwhelming and sometimes feel entirely unattainable. With this recent release from Scott Keyes, Take More Vacations sets out to break your preconceived notions about such adventures. He attempts to reframe your psychology about vacations and travel planning with the intention you experience the best trips at the best prices. And while many international destinations are still not feasible, I found myself taking notes and getting inspired to start planning for when the day comes.

You might recognize the name Scott Keyes, founder of Scott's Cheap Flights, a travel platform that tracks and alerts you of the best flight prices. And while this book may come off as a shameless plug for his subscription, there's a reason Keyes has over two million members around the world that have saved over five-hundred million dollars on airfare since 2015. But his philosophy isn't solely fixated on scoring deals; in Take More Vacations, he's hoping to change your overall experience on how you plan your travels.


While you may assume this book to be a how-to on the detailed strategy of booking cheap flights, and while you're not exactly wrong, as there are many good takeaways about the dos and don'ts of booking flights. However, it focuses more on keeping an open mind and embracing serendipity when planning a trip. Keyes compares different flight booking methods that center around travelers varying priorities and how that distinction can drastically reflect the price of your plane tickets. By deviating away from destination-centric booking to a more opportunistic perspective of letting low prices determine your travel plans, you're opening yourself to more than just a great deal. 

By surrendering to fate and frugality, the satisfaction extends beyond the cheap flight ticket. You're able to fully enjoy your vacation knowing you scored the best price by not having an insanely priced ticket expense looming over you. And consequently, more money in your pocket to spend on activities, better hotels, or even another vacation than if you had settled on a highly overpriced flight. The idea of possibly visiting a place I had never considered before was one of my favorite takeaways from Take More Vacations. By letting the price of tickets inform my destination, I could experience the pleasant surprise of seeing someplace off of the usual bucket list of travel goals.

Even if big travel plans aren't in the picture right now, this book is great for any traveler looking for a bit of inspiration and tips along the way. Whether you want to learn which airports are cheapest to fly out of or whether to use cash or miles for a flight, Take More Vacations has your answer. Contrarily, if you're a person just searching for deals, you might want to invest in a Scott's Cheap Flights subscription simply. Overall, Take More Vacations is an excellent guide to understanding the travel system and enjoying planning your next vacation. 

The book:
Take More Vacations : How to Search Better, Book Cheaper, and Travel the Worl
by Scott Keyes