a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books


as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 4/19/22: The Great Stewardess Rebellion by Nell McShane Wulfhart

The Great Stewardess Rebellion by Nell McShane Wulfhart

“The Great Stewardess Rebellion has it all: ’60s glam, sharp and brave heroines, and one of the most dramatic and consequential feminist battles in American history. A grippingly told and unforgettable story.”

--Abbott Kahler, author of The Ghosts of Eden Park

The Great Stewardess Rebellion by Nell McShane Wulfhart

And CRASH goes the glass ceiling! In this riveting, intense history of airline stewardesses, Wulfhart takes us through the Golden Age of Travel as women en masse signed up to become ‘Stews’. The thought of glamorous travel, making their own money, and being independent was too good to be true it seemed.

Soon, it was very obvious that it really was too good to be true. Sky girls” had to adhere to strict weight limits at all times; gain a few extra pounds and they’d be suspended from work. They couldn’t marry or have children; their makeup, hair, and teeth had to be just so. Girdles were mandatory while stewardesses were on the clock. And, most important, stewardesses had to resign at 32.

A collection of stewardesses decided enough was enough and pushed back against the powers that be, and this book finally tells their full story. Insightful, brilliantly told, and well-crafted, this book is perfect for the present moment as we discuss what true equality in our workforce should look like.