a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books


as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 4/26/2022: Cooking alla Giudia by Benedetta Jasmine Guetta

Cooking alla Giudia by Benedetta Jasmine Guetta

Cooking alla Giudia by Benedetta Jasmine Guetta

Sometimes, cookbooks transcend their peers. Cookbooks often times ask the simple questions, like ‘how do I get a meal onto the table quickly’, or the equally simple but damned important question of ‘does it taste good’. The book from Benedetta Guetta asks these questions and answer them with a resounding yes, all the while making us look at food and culture in astoundingly interesting and different ways.

Jews have lived in Italy for thousands of years, yet their contributions to Italian cuisine have been largely untold. Cooking alla Giudia shares the recipes, but also the connections of the Jewish people to many beloved Italian dishes and other wonderful delicacies. This inspired and inspiring new book shows us a different but still super traditional way of cooking; goose prosciuoto instead of pig, a brilliant olive oil based bechamel for lasagna, and the best fried artichoke recipe that you will ever see.

Brighten up your cooking and the scope of your world with this one!