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as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 07/12/22: August Kitko and the Mechas from Space by Alex White

August Kitko and the Mechas from Space by Alex White

"[A] music-infused space opera smash.... Music forms the backbone of this beautifully balanced, artistically rendered space opera, which expertly combines well-executed action with witty banter between charming characters. Fans of epic, feel-good sci-fi are sure to be wowed."—Publishers Weekly

August Kitko and the Mechas from Space by Alex White

Dominic is obsessed with science fiction. Ever since he discovered Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut at (arguably) too young an age, he gobbles up anything he can get his hands on that is weird and out of this world. But, the problem with science fiction is it can be such a DRAG sometimes. That is why he’s so stoked about this hight octane adventure. It’s all the things he loves; hopeful, bright, and brilliant!

Jazz pianist Gus Kitko expected to spend his final moments on Earth playing piano at the greatest goodbye party of all time, and maybe kissing rockstar Ardent Violet, before the last of humanity is wiped out forever by the Vanguards--ultra-powerful robots from the dark heart of space, hell-bent on destroying humanity for reasons none can divine.

But when the Vanguards arrive, the unthinkable happens--the mecha that should be killing Gus instead saves him. Suddenly, Gus's swan song becomes humanity's encore, as he is chosen to join a small group of traitorous Vanguards and their pilots dedicated to saving humanity.