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as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 07/26/22: Do the Work! : An Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell & Kate Schatz

Do the Work! : An Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell & Kate Schatz

“Since we felt the ground shift...I think we all are looking for concrete ways to create change. This book gives a clear, actionable path to doing that work we have all been talking about. White folks—pick this one up immediately.”
Megan Rapinoe, World Cup champion, Olympian, and activist

Do the Work! : An Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell & Kate Schatz

As a bookstore, we understand that books help communicate ideas. Those ideas, that spark, can create conversations which create movements, which can create change. We strive to have a selection of books that help us have those conversations, and we are so excited to now have this new release. So many times, we read these books that give us the language and the history behind what America is today, but it’s hard to see the action items that will actually lead us through to a more equitable and just society. This book does that, with prompts, lessons, and more. Get your copy and join us in this important conversation!

Revelatory and thought-provoking, this highly illustrated, highly informative interactive workbook gives readers a unique, hands-on understanding of systemic racism—and how we can dismantle it.
Packed with activities, games, illustrations, comics, and eye-opening conversation, Do the Work! Challenges readers to think critically and act effectively. Try the “Separate but Not Equal” crossword puzzle. Play “Bootstrapping, the Game” to understand the myth of meritocracy. Test your knowledge of racist laws by playing “Jim Crow or Jim Faux?”

Have hard conversations with your people (scripts and talking points included). Be open to new ideas and diversify your “feed” with a scavenger hunt. Team up with an accountability partner and find hundreds of ideas, resources, and opportunities to DO THE WORK!

Ready to get started?