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New Release Notes 07/26/22: Houseplant Oasis by Melissa Lo

Houseplant Oasis by Melissa Lo

Houseplant Oasis by Melissa Lo

“Melissa’s passion for plants is second to none and her will to make things grow is contagious. Following her plant parenting tips makes caring for your plants almost foolproof.” - Larry Varlese, owner of Valleyview Gardens Nursery

The pandemic was hard for a lot of reasons, with one being that so many of us were (and some still are) cooped up inside. Humans crave nature (even in Florida, where the temperatures reach boiling), and to be stuck inside our homes was incredibly difficult. This is where houseplants come in to save the day. Many of us, myself included, turned to indoor gardening to bring a little life, fresh air, and joy into our insular lives. This beautiful book helps our green thumbs to full fruition, with hacks and tips for every level of #plantdaddy and #plantmomma.

Step into Melissa Lo’s carefully curated and meticulously maintained world of houseplants. Here, you’ll find detailed instructions for keeping your plants healthy, happy and thriving so you can transform your home into a lush, green oasis. With a long standing career as a designer and a passionate hobby as an online houseplant expert, Melissa combines her unique skill set to help you become a successful plant parent, while honing your sense for how to style them in your space.

Melissa details the optimal light, water, temperature, substrates and nutrients for the most popular houseplants, in addition to covering the common issues that affect them. With a plethora of information on plant care, you’ll get a crash course on how to propagate your specimens, when and how to repot them, what to do about yellowing leaves, how to treat spider mites and fungus gnats and so much more.