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New Release Notes 07/05/22: The Pallbearer's Club by Paul Tremblay

The Pallbearer’s Club by Paul Tremblay

The Pallbearer's Club by Paul Tremblay

"The Pallbearers Club is Tremblay at his most audacious best. It's such a sneaky mindblower! It'll burrow deep inside you, and by the end, you'll be wondering if the room you're sitting in, the people you're talking with, or even your own memory, are real. This book is horror's answer to Nabokov's Pale Fire." -Sarah Langan, author of Good Neighbors

You know it. We definitely know it. Your neighbor knows it. The staff at Book + Bottle love a good horror story. From Heidi who becomes our Witch Queen from September to November, to Dominic who runs our Horror Book Club, we thrive when a new book to thrill and delight comes out, especially from someone as talented as Paul Tremblay who so deliciously toes the line between horror and literary.

What if the coolest girl you’ve ever met decided to be your friend?

Art Barbara was so not cool. He was a seventeen-year-old high school loner in the late 1980s who listened to hair metal, had to wear a monstrous back-brace at night for his scoliosis, and started an extracurricular club for volunteer pallbearers at poorly attended funerals. But his new friend thought the Pallbearers Club was cool. And she brought along her Polaroid camera to take pictures of the corpses.

Okay, that part was a little weird.

So was her obsessive knowledge of a notorious bit of New England folklore that involved digging up the dead. And there were other strange things—terrifying things—that happened when she was around, usually at night. But she was his friend, so it was okay, right?

Decades later, Art tries to make sense of it all by writing The Pallbearers Club: A Memoir. But somehow this friend got her hands on the manuscript and, well, she has some issues with it. And now she’s making cuts.

Seamlessly blurring the lines between fiction and memory, the supernatural and the mundane, The Pallbearers Club is an immersive, suspenseful portrait of an unforgettable and unsettling friendship.