a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books

our values

our values


the environment

In keeping with its mission, Book + Bottle is committed to upholding the highest standards for waste prevention, sustainable procedures, and green building in order to minimize its environmental impact. Book + Bottle is committed to: 

  • Lead the community by example

  • Advocate for local "green" programs

  • Conserve energy and natural resources

  • Choose low waste and sustainable options for food and beverage service

  • Properly manage waste and pollution through reusables, recycling, and composting

  • Manage our processes, our materials, and our people in a way that considers the environmental impacts associated with our actions

  • Continually improve, evaluate, and communicate performance

Ways we enact this commitment:

  • We recycle and compost

  • We encourage customers to bring their own reusable containers for to go items

  • We re-purposed as much of the old space as possible to reduce the amount of new building materials needed, including re-using the original cement tiles

  • We are responsible with our food orders and choose to run out of food rather than throwing extra away

  • We use washable and reusable hand towels in the bathroom and at the bar, and when they become less than perfect, we use them for cleaning

  • All our lights are LED

  • We selected higher efficiency bar equipment with safer refrigerants

  • We use tongs rather than plastic gloves to keep your food safe and reduce waste

  • All our to-go containers are compostable or recycled

  • We regularly “plog” our streets to pick up trash that might end up in our ocean

  • All our accoutrements like cream, sugar, etc. are served in reusable containers

Help us do more by participating in these programs and by sharing ideas for new ways we can make an impact!

local first

We’re a small, local business. We can only exist if you shop with us. When you shop local, you’re supporting your neighbors, the community you love, and you’re keeping your money circulating in the local economy. We source most of our products locally, and if they’re not local, they’re women-run, independent, or otherwise community-based businesses. When you shop with us, you know you’re doing the right thing.

Some of our local partners include:

  • Boyd Construction

  • PLACE architecture

  • The Messy Painter

  • The Bank of Tampa

Keep St Pete Local

everyone is welcome

Books are for everyone and wine brings us together. At Book + Bottle, everyone is welcome and we love all our neighbors. Don’t see a book that represents you? Tell us and we’ll make it right. We want this to be YOUR book shop, and we want to support diverse opinions and perspectives. Let’s start a civilized conversation. Let’s make the community stronger together.

St Pete Chamber of Commerce