a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books


as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


Wine Review: Ercole Barbera Del Monferrato DOC

We first posted about this wine back in 2020, and it’s still one of our favorite bottles today! Plus, did you know it was featured in one of Taylor Swift’s music videos?!?! Ask for it as “the T Swift wine” or “that pizza wine!”

From May 2020:

It should go without saying, for those who know me, that I love wine because I love food. Sometimes a pairing just works. The other day I was craving pizza and wanted to do something fun during a rote work day under quarantine, so Susan and I ordered from Tony’s Pizza around the corner and sat down at tables (6 feet apart) to enjoy a picnic pizza lunch. Just like Europeans, we insisted upon wine with lunch and cracked this barbera from the shop. First of all, it’s a whole LITER of wine, which is always a bonus. Second, it’s only $16 - a total steal if you’re looking for quaffable wine to crush with some pizza. Now, to be honest, this isn’t a wine that I’d drink by itself - but with food…YUM! It’s easy and light and perfect for a picnic lunch. I had meant to take an artistic picture of our spread, but one gulp of that wine with the pizza and all bets were off and all that was left were these crumbs!

Barbera can range from simple and inexpensive dinner (or lunch!) wine to complex, rich, and age-worthy wine. This one’s definitely an “everyday” wine - it’s got flavors of fresh red and black fruits, great juicy acidity (which makes it go so well with food), and a hint of earthy oak-y-ness that makes it ever so slightly more serious (but just barely). And, there’s a nod toward the herbaceous that defines Italian wine.

Sadly, we didn’t finish this at lunch so I took it home and finished it with Spaghetti and Salad the next day, and it was just as delicious!

Ercole Barbera Del Monferrato D.O.C. Liter Bottle - $19