a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books


as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 3/29/22: Two Storm Wood by Philip Gray

World War I is an often neglected war in the world of historical fiction, with many tomes being written about the Civil War and/or World War II. The Great War gets it’s due in this stunning book, a literary crime novel set on the front lines in the European theater of war as two people do what they can in their own ways to deal with the trauma of the experience as they hunt the perpetrator of ghastly war crimes. With a heroine that fans of The Alice Network by Kate Quinn would love and a narrative that is both dynamic and engaging, it’s a can’t miss!

Check back next week for more New + Noteworthy!

Two Storm Wood by Philip Gray