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New Release Notes 4/5/22: Time Is A Mother by Ocean Vuong

Week of 04/05

Another week, another batch of the books we are most excited about here at Book + Bottle! From the most beautiful poetry, to Russian folklore, to national disasters we have something for every reader this week!

Time Is A Mother by Ocean Vuong

How else do we return to ourselves but to fold

The page so it points to the good part

You probably recognize Ocean Vuong’s name from his brilliant debut novel, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous; a stunning discussion of masculinity, familial bonds, and the story of a man looking for his place in the world. In this collection of poems, Vuong looks at life after his mother’s death. Much like a master songwriter, Vuong’s lyrical and moving touch swirls and dances across the white space, and with every turn of the page you breathlessly ask for more.

Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong