a bookstore with wine | a wine bar with books


as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 4/5/22: Atomic Anna by Rachel Barenbaum

Atomic Anna by Rachel Barenbaum

Historical fiction is better when there’s a nuclear disaster involved. There, we said it. That’s why we are stoked for this new novel from the author of A Bend in the Stars; a time traveling epic about motherhood, loss, and the choices we make when we know better. In 1986, renowned nuclear scientist, Anna Berkova, is sleeping in her bed in the Soviet Union when Chernobyl’s reactor melts down. It’s the exact moment she tears through time—and it’s an accident. When she opens her eyes, she’s landed in 1992 only to discover Molly, her estranged daughter, shot in the chest. Molly, with her dying breath, begs Anna to go back in time and stop the disaster, to save Molly’s daughter Raisa, and put their family’s future on a better path.

If that doesn’t sound enticing, we don’t know what does.

See you next week for more New + Noteworthy!

Atomic Anna by Rachel Barenbaum