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as your personal book + wine sommelier, I, along with my brilliant team, will be reviewing and recommending books + wine based on what we’re reading and drinking, in addition to sharing other thoughts about the book and wine industry. add your own comments to tell us what you’re enjoying reading and drinking! enjoy!


New Release Notes 4/5/22: Little Foxes Took Up Matches by Katya Kazbek

Little Foxes Took Up Matches by Katya Kazbek

When Mitya was two years old, he swallowed his grandmother’s sewing needle. For his family, it marks the beginning of the end, the promise of certain death. For Mitya, it is a small, metal treasure that guides him from within. As he grows, his life mirrors the uncertain future of his country, which is attempting to rebuild itself after the collapse of the Soviet Union, torn between its past and the promise of modern freedom. Mitya finds himself facing a different sort of ambiguity: is he a boy, as everyone keeps telling him, or is he not quite a boy, as he often feels?

Sometimes, debut authors break out onto the scene and show you new ways that the written word can dance and sing. That is the case for Little Foxes Took Up Matches, a tale of Russian folklore, queer myth-making, subversive storytelling and a coming of age story that is both at once chilling and big-hearted, this is a can’t miss book from an author we will be hearing a lot of in the coming years.

Little Foxes Took Up Matches by Katya Kazbek